{{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month1 = |day1 = |year1 = |month2 = |day2 = | year2 = }}
Note that all parameters default to the current date, so for example, the second set of parameters can be left out to calculate elapsed time since a past date:
{{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month1 = 1 |day1 = 1 |year1 = 1 }} → 2024 years, 1 month and 6 days
{{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month = 1 |day = 1 |year = 1 }} → 2024 years, 1 month and 6 days
Alternatively, the first set of parameters can be left out to get the time left until a future date, such as the next Wikipedia Day:
{{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month2 = 1 |day2 = 15 |year2 = ಪದವಿನ್ಯಾಸ ದೋಷ: ಗುರುತಿಸಲಾಗದ ವಿರಾಮ ಚಿಹ್ನೆ"೦". }} → Error: Second date should be year, month, day
Combines functions of {{Birth date}}, {{birth-date}}, {{birth date and age}}, {{birth year and age}}, {{death date}}, {{death-date}}, {{death date and age}}, and {{death year and age}}.
To display approximate birth year and current age given a particular date (e.g. when a dated reference mentions the age of a person), only works for living people.