This template is a wrapper for a number of legends, each called a theme, used in periodic tables. Each theme is a subtable that can have individual settings, for example to show "predicted".
{{Periodic table legend
|child=yes/no (no: stand alone table; default=yes: inside another table, usually the PT table)
|caption= (text to appear as caption for the legend block)
|style= (set style)
{{Periodic table legend
|caption=Example legend with three themes
|theme2=State of matter|predicted2=no|sa2=yes|eka-sa2=no|unknown2=yes
Column counts are columns only that contain elements. "Compact" denote cells with element symbol only, have navbox style and the table fits basic wiki page width (1024×768). "Large cells" have more data, and may cause page width excess (scroll bar added). "Extended" periodic tables are about theoretical periods 8 and higher.
Table forms
18 columns: {{Periodic table}} (regular cells with names; common standard)