Designation Bordered version Scope Count Valid <designation> values (Callnames)
U.S. National Register of Historic Places United States >80,000 National Register of Historic Places; NRHP
U.S. National Historic Landmark United States ~2,450 National Historic Landmark; U.S. National Historic Landmark; US National Historic Landmark; NRHP-NHL; NHL
U.S. Historic district United States ??? United States Historic District; U.S. Historic District; US Historic District; Historic District; NRHP-HD; HD
U.S. Historic district
Contributing property
United States ??? United States Contributing Property; U.S. Contributing Property; US Contributing Property; Contributing Property; NRHP-CP; CP
U.S. National Historic Landmark District United States ~200 U.S. National Historic Landmark District; US National Historic Landmark District; National Historic Landmark District; NRHP-NHLD; NHLD
U.S. National Monument United States 93 U.S. National Monument; US National Monument; National Monument; NRHP-NMON; NMON
U.S. National Historic Site United States 89 U.S. National Historic Site; US National Historic Site; National Historic Site; NRHP-NHS; NHS
U.S. National Memorial United States 44 U.S. National Memorial; US National Memorial; National Memorial; NRHP-NMEM; NMEM
U.S. National Historical Park United States 42 U.S. National Historical Park; US National Historical Park; National Historical Park; NRHP-NHP; NHP
U.S. National Battlefield United States 11 U.S. National Battlefield; US National Battlefield; National Battlefield; NRHP-NB; NB
U.S. National Military Park United States 9 U.S. National Military Park
U.S. National Natural Landmark United States ??? U.S. National Natural Landmark; US National Natural Landmark; National Natural Landmark; NNL
Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage United StatesAlabama 1396 Alabama Register; Alabama Landmark; Alabama; USAL; ARLH
California Historical Landmark United Statesಕ್ಯಾಲಿಫೊರ್ನಿಯ >1,000 California Historical Landmark; California; CHISL
Colorado State Register of Historic Properties United States - Colorado >1700 Colorado State Register of Historic Properties; Colorado; CSRHP; USCO
Indiana Register of Historic Sites United States - Indiana ~1900 Indiana Register of Historic Sites and Structures; Indiana; IRHSS; USIN
Michigan State Historic Site United StatesMichigan 2730 Michigan State Historic Site; Michigan; MSHS
Mississippi Landmark United StatesMississippi 890 Mississippi Landmark; Mississippi; USMS
Nevada Historical Marker United States - Nevada 266 Nevada Historical Marker; Nevada Marker; Nevada; USNV
N.H. State Register of Historic Places United States - New Hampshire ~200 New Hampshire State Register of Historic Places; New Hampshire State Register; New Hampshire; NHSR; NHSRHP; USNH
New Jersey Register of Historic Places United States - New Jersey ??? New Jersey Register of Historic Places; New Jersey; NJRHP; USNJ
N.M. State Register of Cultural Properties United States - New Mexico ~2000 N.M. State Register of Cultural Properties; New Mexico State Register; New Mexico; NMSRCP; NMSR; USNM
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark United States - Texas ~6300 Recorded Texas Historic Landmark; Texas; RTHL; USTX
Virginia Landmarks Register United States - Virginia ??? Virginia Landmarks Register; Virginia; VLR; USVA
Albuquerque Historic Landmark United StatesNew MexicoAlbuquerque 20 Albuquerque Historic Landmark; Albuquerque; ALBHL
Berkeley Landmark United Statesಕ್ಯಾಲಿಫೊರ್ನಿಯBerkeley ~350 Berkeley Landmark; Berkeley; BERKL
Chicago Landmark United StatesIllinoisChicago ~200 Chicago Landmark; Chicago; CHICL
Dallas Landmark United StatesTexasDallas 100 Dallas Landmark; Dallas
Davenport Register of Historic Properties United StatesIowaDavenport ~50 Davenport Register of Historic Properties; Davenport; DRHP
Long Beach Historic Landmark United Statesಕ್ಯಾಲಿಫೊರ್ನಿಯLong Beach 114 Long Beach Historic Landmark; Long Beach; LBHL
Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument United Statesಕ್ಯಾಲಿಫೊರ್ನಿಯLos Angeles 886 Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument; Los Angeles Historic Cultural Monument; Los Angeles; LAHCM
New York City Landmark United StatesNew Yorkನ್ಯೂ ಯಾರ್ಕ್ ನಗರ ~23,000 New York City Landmark; NYC Landmark; New York City; NYC; NYCL
Omaha Landmark United StatesNebraskaOmaha ~100 Omaha Landmark; Omaha
Oyster Bay Landmark United StatesNew YorkOyster Bay 40 Oyster Bay Landmark; Oyster Bay, New York; Oyster Bay, NY; Oyster Bay
Philadelphia Register of Historic Places United StatesPennsylvaniaPhiladelphia ??? Philadelphia Register of Historic Places; Philadelphia; PRHP
Pittsburgh Landmark – PHLF United StatesPennsylvaniaPittsburgh 66 Pittsburgh Historic Landmark; Pittsburgh Landmark; Pittsburgh; PHLF
Riverside Landmark United Statesಕ್ಯಾಲಿಫೊರ್ನಿಯRiverside ~110 Riverside Landmark; Riverside; RIVL
St. Louis Landmark United StatesMissouriSt. Louis 121 St. Louis Landmark; St Louis Landmark; St. Louis; St Louis
San Diego Historic Landmark United Statesಕ್ಯಾಲಿಫೊರ್ನಿಯSan Diego ~870 San Diego Historic Landmark; San Diego; SDHL
San Francisco Designated Landmark United Statesಕ್ಯಾಲಿಫೊರ್ನಿಯSan Francisco ~250 San Francisco Designated Landmark; San Francisco Landmark; San Francisco; SFDL
Santa Monica Historic Landmark United Statesಕ್ಯಾಲಿಫೊರ್ನಿಯSanta Monica ~90 Santa Monica Historic Landmark; Santa Monica; SMHL
Seattle Landmark United StatesWashingtonSeattle ~450 Seattle Landmark; Seattle